
Mara Blak ensures only the best manufacturing and processing methods and technologies are used in the cutting and polishing of gemstones and the production of our jewellery pieces. A high level of quality control is maintained, preventing defects and ensuring peace of mind for our customers.

A retailer is not required under Australian Consumer Law to provide a refund for change of mind. The recipient of a gift not liking the piece is considered a change of mind.

A retailer is only required to provide a refund when there is a major fault. This is when the item: 1. Has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it; or 2. is unsafe; or 3. is significantly different from the sample or description; or 4. doesn’t do what the retailer said it would, or what you asked for and can’t easily be fixed.

Varying factors such as the item type and intended use will influence what is considered reasonable. Do not assume that because other items of jewellery tolerate a particular level of wear and tear that all items can be treated the same. For rings, light dents, abrasions and scratches would be considered normal wear and tear over a one to five year period. It is recommended that you visit your local JAA jeweller each year for a clean and polish, and to have all stones and settings checked to ensure they are secure and have not loosened due to accidental damage and wear and tear.

You are covered for all manufacturing faults under Australian Consumer Law. Determination of what you are covered for is dependent on the item, the problem and if it is determined that the issue is a result of manufacturing fault, normal wear and tear, or some other cause. Should it be determined to be a manufacturing fault, it then needs to be established whether it is a minor or major fault which then will determine the next course of action. For more information on manufacturing faults and Australian Consumer Law, please click here.

Our quality guarantee does not cover damage caused by actions of the wearer that do not reflect the manufacture or design or which do not align with the intended use of the item. In these cases we cannot cover your jewellery under our manufacturer’s warranty.

This includes:

  • General wear and tear
  • Damage cause by accidents or mistreatment
  • Exposure to chemicals and corrosive detergents
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Water damage and soap build-up
  • Catching claws and settings on furniture and clothing